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What are the thermal power plant technologies ?

In a world where energy efficiency and sustainability are at the core of industrial and environmental concerns, our company stands at the forefront of the energy transition. We offer a range of innovative technological solutions designed to meet the growing demands for energy production while adhering to principles of environmental responsibility and resource optimization. Our portfolio of advanced technologies, from Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT) and Waste-to-Energy (WTE) facilities to cogeneration (CHP) plants and biomass power stations, is the result of rigorous research and development. These technologies, selected for their efficiency, reliability, and alignment with carbon emission reduction goals, are suited for a broad range of industrial and commercial applications.
We understand that each project is unique, which is why we commit to providing expert and customized advice, aimed at identifying and implementing the most suitable energy solution for your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to maximize energy efficiency, reduce operational costs, or minimize your carbon footprint, we have the technology and expertise to support you in achieving your objectives.

Here are some of the solutions we offer:
CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine)

  • Description: A technology that combines a gas turbine with a steam turbine to generate electricity. It is known for its high energy efficiency.

Selection Criteria:

  • Fuel Availability: Essential, as the technology relies on natural gas as a fuel source.
  • Energy Efficiency: A key criterion to reduce operational costs and emissions.
  • Initial Investment: Higher than for simple cycle plants, but offset by long-term efficiency gains.

Environmental Regulations: The ability to meet stringent emission standards is a significant advantage.
TGV (Steam Gas Turbine) / CCPP (Combined Cycle Power Plant)

  • Description: These terms refer to power plants using a combined cycle for more efficient energy production, capturing residual heat from gas turbines to generate steam and produce additional electricity.

Selection Criteria:

  • Fuel Availability: Proximity to competitively priced natural gas sources is crucial.
  • Efficiency Optimization: Seeking to maximize performance to minimize costs and environmental impact.
  • Initial Investment: Requires a cost-benefit analysis to justify the investment against future savings.

Environmental Regulations: Compliance with increasingly strict environmental standards.
TAG (Gas Turbine)

  • Description: A technology using a gas turbine to generate electricity, ideal for quick responses to demand fluctuations.

Selection Criteria:

  • Responsiveness: Ability to start and stop quickly to meet grid demands.
  • Maintenance Simplicity and Costs: Less complex than combined cycle systems, reducing maintenance costs.
  • Expected Usage Duration: Suitable for applications where demand is variable or seasonal.

BE-TO (Biomass Energy – Thermal Oxidation) / BPP (Biomass Power Plant)

  • Description: These technologies convert biomass into energy, using combustion to generate heat and produce electricity.

Selection Criteria:

  • Biomass Availability: Viability depends on access to a reliable and economical source of biomass.
  • Support Policies: Government incentives can make these options more attractive.
  • Environmental Impact: Sustainable management of biomass and minimizing emissions are crucial.

WTE (Waste to Energy) / ERF (Energy Recycling Factory)

  • Description: Technologies for converting waste into energy, often through incineration, which reduces waste volume and generates electricity or heat.

Selection Criteria:

  • Waste Management: Need to efficiently process waste while generating energy.
  • Waste Processing Costs: Economic evaluation including savings on landfill fees.
  • Regulatory Framework: Compliance with environmental standards, particularly regarding emissions and residue treatment.

OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine)

  • Description: Uses a gas turbine without heat recovery from exhaust gases, suited for peak energy demand periods.

Selection Criteria:

  • Operational Flexibility: Important for high-demand periods or as a backup system.
  • Fuel Cost: Sensitivity to market prices, as efficiency is lower than combined cycles.
  • Investment and Operational Costs: Advantageous for installations requiring less initial investment, despite lower efficiency.

CHP (Combined Heat and Power)
Description: Simultaneous production of electricity and heat from a single energy source, enhancing the overall efficiency of energy use.
Selection Criteria:

  • Heat and Electricity Demand: Proximity of heat consumers is crucial for viability.
  • Proximity of Users: Efficient heat distribution is geographically limited.
  • Energy Efficiency: The goal is to maximize the use of each unit of energy consumed.
  • Each of these options represents a strategic choice for addressing specific energy needs while advancing sustainability and efficiency goals.